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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Almost But Not Quite - Patchwork Cupcake quilt reveal

I had saved the Patchwork Cupcake reveal for the California State Fair in the Almost Edible special crafts category but it was not chosen for exhibition. Approximate total time invested on the patchwork piecing, quilting, and beadwork: 50 hours. 

Ah well, dealt another blow but that is what a competition is about there are winners and losers. 

Fabric as a medium in crafting is not the easiest. The material will skew as it is quilted maybe even more so when it is straight-line. You can see some of that in the lead-off image. 

On improving technique, I am on a notification list for sewing lessons at the sewing center. Since I am self-taught, there is always something I can learn. I am looking forward to taking classes during the day, any day of the week. One month to go until I am a newly-minted retiree. 

Enjoy Patchwork Cupcake's reveal. I am striving for a State Fair ribbon, maybe it will happen someday. 

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