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Thursday, September 21, 2023

Little Crocheted Critter and the Cat Quilt

This crocheted critter came in a pieces in a $5 bag of crocheted items from the Attic Thrift Store in Fort Bragg, California. I sewed on the legs and muzzle which were pieces in the bag.   

I knew I could find a button nose for him since I have a good-sized collection.

Rag doll was also a recent thrift shop find. Toys were priced half off at thrift. She was spruced up by a lingerie bag washing in Woolite.

I began work on a cat-themed quilt for a relative. Going through my stash, I stumbled on this pieced cat fabric backing. I can't remember when I made it. All the better because it just moves this project along even quicker. I began the quilt top listening to the Cal Tjader's Latin Kick album.

The brightly-colored side of the cat print fabric is called the Catsville line, with a skosh of purple Moda grunge. 

I hope to get the cat quilt in to the longarmer before month's end. That will make three quilts in for completion. 

There are a couple of big garage sale events coming up at the end of the month. One sale scheduled is a church rummage sale. Those sales are the absolute best because they usually don't know the potential value of what they are selling. Books usually go for a song, and fabric-related items they nearly give away. 

Our weather is finally cooling from the intense heat of summer. Phew!

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