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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Rag Dolls Revisited and the Work Station update

Seller update: The rag doll listing sessions have ended. I don't pass them by when I see them at thrift. Usually priced at a couple of dollars, they represent a $20 bill each to me. This pink frazzled hair one was particularly irresistible to me. I gifted her to a friend. 

A recent Mother's Day podcast highlighted the sale of vintage greeting cards. I collected them because of the graphics. I knew I had a few, but I didn't realize how many and what a gold mine I had been sitting on. 

Like my beloved sewing patterns, I have been collecting greeting cards for many, many years. Thrift Town (now defunct in our area) would sell the cards by the bag! In my collection, which I will now scan in for sale, are 18 cards without envelopes, and 65 with envelopes. Here is the first card of the series of sessions. These will be as easy to list as the patterns.

Work station update: My work stations continue to evolve. All workers in my department have received laptops. Remote work prior to that meant using your own equipment. 

This laptop also has a slide at the top of the camera, so you can appear off camera. I don't have that on my personal laptop, so I placed piece of paper over my webcam. Camfecting is being hacked through your webcam. Hackers are able to gain access to the webcam and obtain video and images. They are able to do this without triggering the light alerting the owner that it is recording.  

I run three monitors at work and now three monitors at home. I count my personal laptop not shown in the image above. 

My cubicle at work sports the two Goebel ceramic cats, and the tiki mug collection. 

Back to those vintage greeting cards - I am thrilled I have stumbled onto another source of income. It is especially delightful that I have already sourced them. I have a sneaking suspicion I have more of them in my offsite storage. 

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