My latest round of eBay listings included these sassy sisters, aka Raggady Rag Dolls circa 1989. Made the same year my daughter was born. Selling them together as they came through thrift together. The redhaired one has a wooden heart with the words "Sisters are Special."
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Highlighting the other 2 dolls for sale. | |
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Gardening update: We were finally able to get outside into the sun to do some gardening. We had round after round of rain and cold, the water much needed so keep it coming! It also means there are super blooms of spring flowers.
This particular daffodil has a pale pink bell edged with pale yellow. So pretty!The biggest task was trying to restore the greenhouse. The heavy winds knocked out nearly every plastic panel. What is not shown is the extensive damage to the front of the structure, and the missing roof panels. You can see the artichoke is the star of the show! 🌠 Asparagus is planted to the left of it.
Tomato starts are in the bed to the right, with garlic chives at the front. Potatoes and onions are in the middle bed for now. Kale and climbers cucumbers and sugar snap peas in the bed to the right. The Mr. had a rattlesnake encounter. There was a tarp on the ground and when he went to move it, the snake was disturbed, rattled, and tried to strike him. Mr. scrambled up the hill from there. We have to be extra vigilant when we are outside. 🐍
Here is one of the delightful book finds from a recent estate sale. While I was loading up on the books, I was oooing and awing over the ones I know will sell.
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I launched another book sale markdown so I could make room for the growing book death pile. As any seller will discover, there is a limit to certain items you are willing to store. Some may have separate storage units and that isn't an issue. I have a limited amount of space in my home. My offsite storage is my personal collections and items I may or may not sell in the future.