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Friday, August 4, 2017

It's my Blogiversary

And I'll post if I want to. Six years strong and still going on. I really enjoy this platform. I am never at a loss for posts with my fiber art interests, college attending tendencies, living rural and working urban smack in the center of Sacramento. Never mind that four thrift shops are within walking distance from where I work and five are on my route up in the Sierra foothills.

A little backstory to those new in my audience. This began as a thrifting blog. I then rebranded (don't you just love that word?) as a fashion blogger modeling thrifted fashion. I met other fashion bloggers in person and online that I still follow to this day. Many have moved over to Instagram and have abandoned their blogs.

I rebranded yet again a couple of years ago and stopped modeling thrifted fashion and purchased Sally Stand In, a vintage dress form just my size. I love her, she has taken up permanent residence in my sewing room.

That rebranding also included taking up an interest in quilting. I have always wanted to quilt but was way too intimidated by the craft. I would love to be able to bounce things off a guild but my time and location don't allow that at this point in my life. Luckily, I had some sewing background so I wasn't totally in the dark and Youtube videos came to my rescue when I would get stuck on a certain element (binding a quilt comes to mind - which direction does the material go when I get to a corner? I've finally got it down now).

Other side interests include vintage dolls and clothes patterns and sewing-related ephemera.

I've bumped into a giveaway at for $175 to purchase on that site. I am especially enamored of these 1940s white vintage oxfords.

Another link, unrelated to the rest is the discovery of this custom woodworker, designer/maker of Asian influenced furniture and home décor I'm in love ~ *sighs*

With another hot weekend in store, I will be continuing my inside activities of quilting and scanning images onto my laptop.

What new loves have you discovered online?

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