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Friday, July 14, 2017

IG and me

I am back on Instagram (as tamaschen). Photo challenges are so much fun! I just finished the 14 Days of Summer 17 and am continuing on with #brimblesummerlovin prompts that continue into the first of August. The challenge details can be found at

Before I got into a snit and deactivated nearly all of my social media accounts, last October, I participated in a challenge with Mrs. Brimble. It made for some interesting prompt interpretations (by me - such as "conkers") since Mrs. B resides across the pond in the U.K.

A most exciting discovery happened when I was packing mom's stuff for her move to an independent living facility. Each time I would visit her (I live out of state), I would concentrate on one room or one cabinet then clean and organize. I never had the chance to look at what she had stored in her cedar chest ... until now. What was found was a fan quilt top, most likely given to her as a wedding present in June 1949. If not then, it had to be during the 1950s as the quilter in the family passed away before I was born. This quilt top matches the fabric in a doll quilt of my mom's, I am sure it is the same quilter.

I am thinking of sending this gem to a long armer and for the first time utilizing a wide backing.

The 12 Days of Christmas Blog Hop has started with fabric artists listed at the inquiringquilter. Seeing their creations will be a nice diversion from this summertime heat - for us over 100 degrees all weekend.

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