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Friday, May 31, 2013

Strangers in the night (and an upcoming hop and month-long photo challenge)

Here it is month end, time for the 5 photograph challenge with P.J. of a lil hoo haa.  This month's theme was NIGHT.  (P.J. - what in the world were you thinking?)  I knew I couldn't slide by with images of sunsets and the moon.  All I could muster up was three images - but three is better than none.

Solar light reflecting on cactus.

What Muffy Vanderbears do at night.

Nighty night Xena WARRIOR PRINCESS.  I pinky swear I took this at nightfall ~

Be sure to visit the other talented bloggers posting along with this challenge.

One of my favorite hops is coming up ~

A Fanciful Twist Mad Tea Party Invite

I am so jazzed about the party, it's got me ...

I've got a light workload on my college coursework this summer session (goofing off, I know), so I'm joining in with i Heart Faces photography for a June Photo Challenge.  A no-pressure post one day or all days no guidelines (family friendly) challenge.

Monthly Photo Challenge - I Heart Faces - 1 Photo - 30 Days

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Towel Day Blogfest

Linking with L.G. Keltner for ~

To celebrate the life and works of Douglas Adams, best known for his book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Here are a couple of his quotes:

Life... is like a grapefruit. It's orange and squishy, and has a few pips in it, and some folks have half a one for breakfast.

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

In further celebration of the weird and random ~

via Bunny Food

via Pleated Jeans

via Pleated Jean

Both images via Bunny Food

Friday, May 24, 2013

Pink Saturday

Linking with Beverly at howsweetthesound for a 5th birthday celebration hosting this event!

Pink Saturday 5th Birthday

Being my usual rebellious self, I post fashion, and only PINK fashion.

1955 knit fashion

Fashion by Castillo, 1964

Oops, how did that sneak in?    via The Hair Hall of Fame

Audrey Hepburn, 1960s

Photo by Toscani, 1972

1950s Max Factor ad

1950s illustration by Al Buell

Ok, so it's a toilet paper print ad - isn't she lovely though?

Mirella Pettini wearing fashion by Trigere, 1965

Fashion from Sears, 1963


Friday's Frock and Random 5 Friday

Friday's Frock is the recent thrift shop find of the wrapped skirt, an Old Navy knit shirt (also thrifted), and a Calvin Klein sweater (retail).  My shooting star hydrangea is just starting to bloom - the plant with the white flowers.  #1 Randomness

Can a doll be stylish without trying - I think so!

Vintage Vogue doll ( inmate)

Linking with Nancy at A Rural Journal for ~

How could I pass up books at 40% off at Goodwill?  One summer reading is Moon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool, and  the other The Writer's Harbrace Handbook (60 cents each).  The bonus was a Casual Corner sleeveless cotton shirt ($3.99), poor thing has since been laundered and pressed.  #2 Randomness

I'll be attempting to catch some fish this weekend.  Mr. VZ won't admit it, but I caught the larger fish (shown on my vlog).  #3 Randomness

At the end of this post are some cute kitschy mermaids, images that I snagged from another blog site.  I had a hecka terrible time trying to get those images to line up, so they will just have to stay put where they are posted.  #4 Randomness

I happened onto a website called the Property Room.  I can tell this will be another time-sucking website for me.  #5 Randomness

Founded in 1999 by former police, Property Room originally provided online auction services solely to law enforcement agencies. By statute, such agencies must sell seized, recovered, found, and unclaimed personal property at public auction. If you've ever wondered about our funny name, the cops safeguard all the goodies in the Property & Evidence Room.
Over time, other municipal agencies wanted a piece of the action, which led us into auctioning surplus assets for fire departments, airports, fleets, and parks departments. On behalf of all these clients, we manage the entire internet auction process, beginning with the pick-up of items for auction and ending with delivery to online shoppers.

Several years into the journey, our growth attracted liquidators and wholesale merchants. Motivated by the fact that we could bring more deals to our one million plus customer base we allowed a select few, hand picked Trusted Merchants to sell on our site. This brought more quality goods derived from store close-outs, canceled orders, and over-stock product directly to you. You would not believe the amount of quality merchandise getting liquidated. The fun never ends.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Time for the chicken dance

I have been thrift shopping - I swear I have, sometimes there is a long streak of no finds.  I did scare up a couple of poetry books on Mother's Day after making the Fort Bragg circuit (4 thrift shops in one small town).  Today I got my Thrift Town fix with this Wrapper cotton skirt with flower appliques (half off white tags for $1.50).

Monday means a linkup with Patti at Not Dead Yet Style

Click Here for Our Weekly Link-Up!

Wrong way to wait for a job interview?

I'll play it straight on this image ...

Talbots lined chartreuse sweater
St. John's Bay sleeveless collared shirt
Jones Wear flared skirt
(all thrifted)
Naturalizer sandals
Brighton bag

With no writing challenge on the horizon (I've nearly recovered from the AtoZ challenge), I must find other ways to amuse myself.  Please check out my vlog.  I think I'm getting the hang of my Adobe Premier program.  Finally, the blogger speaks.

Those following the progress of the-travelling-yellow-skirt-freak-show, Amber of Butane Anvil has posted her interpretation with (drum roll puhleeeze) mean ole chicken Starr Ethel Steele.  (Here is my TYSFS post.)

Soooo, you know what time it is?  IT's TIME FOR THE CHICKEN DANCE!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Friday's Frock and a pint-sized fashionista

Friday's Frock is this cute plaid print skirt I posted as a thrift shop find earlier in the week.

Fashion Bug cardigan
Basic Editions sleeveless shirt
Bandolino skirt
(all thrifted)
Cole Haan shoes (retail)
Purse (gift from Mr. VZ)

Usually I stick with one image of my outfit du jour but this image - I just had include it.  So, am I channeling the cat or is the cat channeling me?  What a hoot!  

I encountered this pint-sized fashionista named Justice with her parents in downtown Sacramento.  She is rocking her little girl style (with a firm grip on her daddy's pant leg).

I got to talking to the parents and, small world, they used to have a thrift shop in Marysville, California, called "Jessica's Closet."  Fellow thrifters - gotta love them!

First there were the pre-AtoZ blog hops, the AtoZ Challenge, and NOW  ....

I've linked up for the ultimate-road-trip.  For those interested in increasing traffic to their blog, the A to Z Challenge fits the bill.  Ready to hit the road?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

You're Gonna Love It Tuesday and thrift shop finds

In my thrift shop wanderings, I come across toys and such for little girls.  While I do not have any little girls in my life, a co-worker has two such darlings.  A recent thrift shop find was a little girl's apron, modeled below:

The mom said she was unhappy because she wanted to wear the apron with the pocket facing her tummy.  Ah, the joys of a three year old.

I may have mentioned how much I adore cashmere - fabric for goddesses.  Weekend thrift shop finds began with this NWT (new with tag) Charter Club cashmere boat neck sweater (Goodwill $6.99, retail $120).  It is in perfect condition.  This color looks amazing *sings the word* on me.

Second round of finds at one of the hospice thrift shops were a glass covered butter dish ($4), and a Western-themed long-sleeved shirt ($3), neither of which is pictured.

I have always worn maxi skirts and am very comfortable with them.  This Bandolino plaid print ($3) is darling, draped over the blooming clematis.  On my wish list is a large squash blossom torquoise necklace - would look gorgeous with that skirt.

Linking up with kathewithane for:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ze Wrap Up aka Reflections on the AtoZ Challenge

Reflections on the A to Z Challenge

I had a chance to visit nearly all of the challenge participants.  I have never encountered so many anxious bloggers, those first time participants wondering whether they could do 26 posts and blog about something from A to Z.  Each year I participate in the We Work for Cheese writing challenge, a challenge in the truest sense of the word, the hosts think up bizarre, mind-bending topics.  I've been to that virtual bloggy boot camp.  (Love it actually, it is a writing romp).

Back to reflections:  There were the bloggers who signed up, and then forgot to post.  There were the universally-hated captcha comment forms - we beg and plead a blogger to turn off, but they don't.  Ah, perhaps they do, if I really want to reach out to a blogger, I'll struggle through that captcha nonsense.

My recommendation for those newbies who join up next year, draft your posts a month in advance, have a germ of an idea and just put something down.  For approximately 5 or 6 of my pre-drafted posts, I composed totally new ones.  Do the hardest ones first.  I thought "no biggie" on U, V, Y and Z but they did end up to be a biggie, I had a struggle with those letters.

I would recommend all of the bloggers that hosted this challenge and many, many others that are so talented.

I like the odd, quirky, elegantly simple or just plain unusual blogs. I found a few lesser known ones that delight me, listed in alpha order they include:

A Daft Scots Lass
Closet Geek Gurl
Hill Blocks View
Moonwynd Studio
Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy
Stephen Z Metal's blog
Wildfire Lady
Wounded Warrior Wife

What I didn't anticipate was the flurry of followers that this challenge garnered (60+ and still adding).  *Woot woot*  Welcome to all my new readers - It was a blast!

Now I feel like this mute Chatty Cathy

19” Chatty Cathy doll with rooted hair, sleepy eyes, vinyl head, 
plastic body arms and legs. Received in played with condition, 
the eyes, head, arms and legs are discolored, 
a 2” crack on the side of her bottom. 
The voice box is not working. AA

An upcoming challenge I will be participating in ~

Here’s how it will work.
  • On the first of each month, I’ll have a blog post here with the theme for the month.
  • Over the course of the month, participants will take photos with their interpretation of the theme. On the last day of the month, participants should  publish their blog post, which will include five photos from the month. (please don’t recycle photos from the past … the idea is to hopefully challenge you to go out and take new photos to interpret the theme).
  • I’ll have a link-up thing at the end of my post so people can come and post the links to their posts so, hopefully, everybody can go go check out and comment on other posts.
There is no rule on equipment or anything. Use a cell phone. Use film. Use a point-and-shoot. Use a DSLR. It doesn’t matter. Just make sure you publish your blog post on the last day of each month, come here and link up.
This month’s theme is: Night.
There are so many ways to look at and think about this theme. It doesn’t always mean a long-exposure shot. Test things out, think outside the box, but most of all, have fun with it!
Please make sure your blog post publishes Friday, May 31.