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Friday, August 23, 2024

Auditing the Listings

The lead-off image is yet another thrift shop painting. This one I have entitled "Eye See You."

This week meant each day was spent on the audit of eBay listings of Simplicity and Vogue sewing patterns. I brought up each listing, checked the details, and revised the price. Most were overpriced, some underpriced. All of the cut patterns were culled. Some were out of numeric order. Some were duplicates. Some weren't listed at all. Some needed pattern packet scotch-tape reinforcement. 

If you are an online seller, I would highly recommend auditing your listings. I removed the reference to Vintage on my listings. I figure I will let the buyer determine whether a pattern is vintage or not. 

Lockdown blips in selling were books and CDs. Sales in those two categories have come to a near standstill. I will start segueing out of those categories in the months to come. 

I work each day on eBay now. My extra disposable income of $1,500 per month has disappeared as a result of the reduction of my state salary to a fixed income, and putting my eBay store on time away during the summer. I have more than enough inventory to list for the next three months. 

There is a possibility for retired state workers to return to work without jeopardizing their retirement benefits. One must wait 180 days from their retirement date to return to work as a Retired Annuitant. I would be interested in working a couple of days a week. I have signed up for the CalCareers weekly notifications. California just went through a budget crisis (my suspicion is overspending on COVID-related programs), so there might not be many of those positions available. 

I am still adjusting to this retirement thing. From legal analyst to caregiver. There is lots on the plus side, but I miss being around others. 

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