Step away and begin again. I angry seam ripped out all of my work and went back to my Brother. Well not quite angry, more like irritated. I had to take a week hiatus from the craft room. Seemingly, all things had conspired against me at once.
Back to my Brother manual, rethreading, restarting is sometimes what it takes being machine challenged. I did find out that I can't free motion quilt with my repaired machine. I am not sure if I messed it up so much now it can't switch to that mode. It will be straight line quilting for me for awhile. That is how this Country Fall Cubicle Cover was finished. It would also look good in a country kitchen.
The majority of the piecework was done by mystery quilter. I too send my unwanted, half finished projects to the Great Thrift Shop Beyond. It is all good.
Backing to Country Fall Cubicle Cover. It measures 23"x 62".
What do you do when it is over 100 degrees day after day? Apparently, I catch up on quilting projects. Here is my Vintage Fabric Quilt that has been in the basted stage for a number of months. Began back in January here. I am quilting squiggly lines with my walking foot.
I am also going to "slow stitch" this project and remove the basting as I do each infilled wavy line.
My mood for Pattern of the Day is the 1967 Simplicity.

Linking up with scraphappy-saturday