I have learned that not all fabric is created equal. Ah, I hear those peals of laughter from the more experienced ones. When I began this baby quilt project, I pulled a stack of wanna-bes and ended up with the newest, zoomiest fabric that included pieces from a Riley Blake jelly roll and a Joann's specialty pack. The other thrifted fabric seemed a little sad and well, used up. I also thought I could use the baby fabric banner but it too didn't make the cut, it can be saved for a baby shower event.
For the backing I thought was the perfect remnant, but when I was quilting the piece, the woven fabric caught on the machine and snagged, not just any old snag, a major snag. I didn't cut the exposed thread, I placed it all under the baby appliques.
I quilted this organically which to me means "flying by the seat of your pants" or "I didn't measure s**t." *grins*
My next purchase as a quilting aid will be a supreme slider. I have read other quilt bloggers touting its benefits. Oh and as an aside, I burned out my beginning Brother quilting machine. Not bad for $150 investment and 2+ years of quilting.
As a follow up to my post listing my thrift shop find of doll clothes patterns, here are the other five, along with a listing of the dolls related to each pattern.

Fits: Baby Pebbles, Pebbles, Tiny Chatty Baby, My Baby, Baby Cupcake, Babykin, Tiny Tubber, Baby Buttercup, Littlest Angel, Lil' Susan, Teensie Tot.
Wardrobe for Kissy Doll
Fits 1968 dolls: Little Huggums, Baby Dear, Snuggle Softee, Angel Baby, Cheerful Tearful, Baby Face, Honeybun, Betsy Wetsy, Softina, Tubsy, Li'l Darlin, Thirstee Baby, Giggles, Goody Two Shoes, Baby Buttercup, Little Miss Fussy Baby, Baby Pattaburp, Baby First Step, Baby Dear, Pussycat, Real Live Lucy and Victoria
Fits: Tiny Chatty Baby, Suzie Sunshine, Chatty Baby and Belle-Telle.
Linking up with Amanda Jean at crazymomquilts for Finish it Up Friday and a newly discovered blog Michelle's Romantic Tangle for Lets-make-baby-quilts.Hospice thrift shopping at $2.50 each bought a Quiltsmart pattern with colorful fabric strips and a Croft and Barrow pajama pant with the initials "HIS" on the backside. I won't be wearing this out in public so I won't have to worry if those stand for some kind of obscure cougar gang reference.
Another shopping session brought me a tagless Ty Peace bear, a Pyrex bowl, a couple of CDs, bag of boy's toys and a Halloween fabric project.
I am collecting bright and colorful strips of fabric to make a birch tree quilt, pattern found at crazymomquilts, bright-birch-trees-3-completed-quilt. I am thinking of alternating between black and white blocks rather than the multicolored.

Finally, I think I have finally fixed my no-reply blogger bizness, thanks to a blogger from the New Quilters blog hop who took the time to send me links and instructions. Many thanks!
Updating post to direct you to the final week of participants in the New Quilters Blog Hop 2017 with hosts Yvonne at quiltingjetgirl.com Leanne at she can quilt and Beth at Cooking Up Quilts.
The final four from my "hive."

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