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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Dress Form Christmas Trees

Introducing Sally Stand-In, my vintage dress form that will be used to model my thrifted ensembles in 2017.

The newest Christmas crapht to hit the internet are Dress Form Christmas Trees. When I tried to recreate it with Sally Stand-In, I realized how much time and effort would be needed for one of those creations.

My focus has been to keep things simple. Many are completely stressed out and reflect it in the way they drive. I bought 100% of my gifts online this year, enabling me to stay home on the weekends leading up to Christmas.
This one is from Pinterest - artist unknown.

Another example posted by

And another that looks suspiciously like a Victoria's Secret model at

Even homedepot has an online tutorial.

Lots of greenery in this example posted by

What I am listening to - Christmas Crooners.

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