This month’s theme is: People.
I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with here. There are so many ways to do this and I think there will be some great stuff. I can’t wait to see.
Please make sure your blog post publishes Friday, Nov. 29 (I am going the day before the end of the month as some people don’t post on Saturdays, so it’s easier to end it on a Friday. I’ll post the December theme on Dec. 1).
I couldn't resist this prompt. I see people, lots of people on my near daily jaunts around town in Sacramento.
People No. 1. This guy's comment when I took his picture was, "I'm looking for a girlfriend." Laying on the sidewalk in the middle of the day, manipulating a hand puppet .... not gonna happen. I did give him $2 for a beer for his accessory overload look.
People No 2: This is Jerry. Jerry is a regular panhandler about town. I applaud Jerry's use of the headband and ratty poncho. Not judging Jerry but once I did see him noshing down on a sandwich at The Bread Store. Funny thing he was wearing a suit and tie. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he just came from a job interview.
People No 3: The Downtown area skating rink is a popular place this time of year.

People No. 4: Mounted policeman on the K Street Mall.
People No. 5: These two darlings were waiting for their mother outside of the post office. The little one's hat is called a Flipeez, when you squeezed the ends, the arms would flap open.
Please visit the other blog hoppers for their images of People.