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Friday, January 31, 2025

Sketching the Day Away

In my college drawing and composition class I have been learning about materials and methods. Part of the course includes sketchbook journaling. We can choose what to draw and can use color. I have chosen Akedo figurines as my models for the sketching series. 

The figurines were in a $2.99 bag at thrift. My lead-off had to be the Bada** Fisherman with shark and octopus tattoos! 💜💜

I can share my sketches because while they are part of the assignment, they are not graded. I don't want the graded work to hit the internet so it isn't suspected as plagiarism. 

I've got all of my art books gathered in one place now. They had been scattered in different bookcases throughout the house. We are doing a whole house re-carpet so all of the furniture has to be moved out, including bookcases. 

Added another piece to my Americana quilt collection. This counted cross stitch came in a grouping from hospice thrift, approx. 25 quilt patterns at 49 cents each.👌

Americana quilt has been queued up for a number of years. Lawd knows when I will actually start work on it. 😁

I can report I am making great progress on my Christmas latch hook rug tree skirt. Hoping to have completed by the end of February. 

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