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Saturday, February 7, 2015

I heart YOU

First up is Beverly at How sweet the sound for her weekly Pink Saturday linkup.  I have been image gathering, and as always with Beverly, I promise to behave myself (and am not always successful).

Continuing with the pink theme, I am showcasing my recent thrift shop finds of this embellished silk/cashmere sweater labeled Suzabelle Resurrected Couture ($2.50) and Luna Claire knit skirt ($3.99).  One reason I so enjoy shopping thrift is finding unique pieces like these for just a few dollars.  Helloo to all of my Visible-monday visitors!
The Leaning Tower of Tami

Finally, I Heart with Anne of and her 52-pick-up weekly prompts.  

A body positive shout out link on a Huffington Post article about super-women-super-models-fashion-ads.  The focus being on models who are not the "usual" models, one being Ruth Bader Ginsberg.  

1987 Pink pattern of the day

Two thrift shop pinkies that I didn't buy - the beautiful beaded purse and the pretty pink picture.

I am gathering steam for the two month deadline for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge in April.  

Signups are still open a-to-z-challenge-sign-uplist-2015.  This will be my third year participating.  As of this post, there are over 500 bloggers participating.  

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